
class PostgrestFilterBuilder(propertyConversionMethod: PropertyConversionMethod, _params: MutableMap<String, List<String>> = mutableMapOf(), val isInLogicalExpression: Boolean = false)(source)

A builder for Postgrest filters


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constructor(propertyConversionMethod: PropertyConversionMethod, _params: MutableMap<String, List<String>> = mutableMapOf(), isInLogicalExpression: Boolean = false)


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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.adjacent(range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is adjacent to the specified range

fun adjacent(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is adjacent to range

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inline fun and(negate: Boolean = false, referencedTable: String? = null, filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds an and condition to the query

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fun cd(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is contained in values

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.contained(values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is contained in values

fun contained(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is contained in values

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.contains(values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod contains values

fun contains(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column contains values

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fun cs(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column contains values

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.eq(value: V)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is equal to value

fun eq(column: String, value: Any)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is equal to value

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fun exact(column: String, value: Boolean?)

Finds all rows where the value of the column equals to one of these values: null,true,false,unknown

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fun filter(operation: FilterOperation)
fun filter(column: String, operator: FilterOperator, value: Any?)

Adds a filter to the query

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fun filterNot(operation: FilterOperation)
fun filterNot(column: String, operator: FilterOperator, value: Any?)

Adds a negated filter to the query

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.gt(value: V)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is greater than value

fun gt(column: String, value: Any)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is greater than value

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.gte(value: V)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is greater than or equal to value

fun gte(column: String, value: Any)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is greater than or equal to value

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.ilike(pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod matches the specified pattern (case-insensitive)

fun ilike(column: String, pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches the specified pattern (case-insensitive)

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fun ilikeAll(column: String, patterns: List<String>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches all of the specified patterns

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fun ilikeAny(column: String, patterns: List<String>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches any of the specified patterns (case-insensitive)

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.imatch(pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod matches the specified pattern using pattern matching

fun imatch(column: String, pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches the specified pattern using pattern matching (case-insensitive)

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.isExact(value: Boolean?)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod equals to one of these values: null,true,false,unknown

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.isIn(list: List<V>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is in the specified list

fun isIn(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is a member of values

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.like(pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod matches the specified pattern

fun like(column: String, pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches the specified pattern

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fun likeAll(column: String, patterns: List<String>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches all of the specified patterns

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fun likeAny(column: String, patterns: List<String>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches any of the specified patterns

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.lt(value: V)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is less than value

fun lt(column: String, value: Any)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is less than value

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.lte(value: V)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is less than or equal to value

fun lte(column: String, value: Any)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is less than or equal to value

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.match(pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod matches the specified pattern using pattern matching

fun match(column: String, pattern: String)

Finds all rows where the value of the column matches the specified pattern using pattern matching

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.neq(value: V)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is not equal to value

fun neq(column: String, value: Any)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is not equal to value

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fun nxl(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column does not extend to the left of range

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fun nxr(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column does not extend to the right of range

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inline fun or(negate: Boolean = false, referencedTable: String? = null, filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds an or condition to the query

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fun ov(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column overlaps with values

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.overlaps(values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod overlaps with values

fun overlaps(column: String, values: List<Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column overlaps with values

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.rangeGt(range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod does not extend to the right of range

fun rangeGt(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column does not extend to the right of range

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.rangeGte(range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod does not strictly right of range

fun rangeGte(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is strictly right of range

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.rangeLt(range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod is strictly left of range

fun rangeLt(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column does not extend to the right of range

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infix fun <T, V> KProperty1<T, V>.rangeLte(range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column with the name of the KProperty1 converted using propertyConversionMethod does not extend to the left of range

fun rangeLte(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is strictly left of range

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fun sl(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is strictly left of range

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fun sr(column: String, range: Pair<Any, Any>)

Finds all rows where the value of the column is strictly right of range

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fun textSearch(column: String, query: String, textSearchType: TextSearchType, config: String? = null): PostgrestFilterBuilder

Runs a full text search on column with the specified query and textSearchType