Package-level declarations


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data class BroadcastJoinConfig(var acknowledgeBroadcasts: Boolean, var receiveOwnBroadcasts: Boolean)
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sealed interface CallbackManager
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data class Column(val name: String, val type: String)

Contains information about a column

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Represents a postgres action, containing an old record.

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Represents a postgres action, containing a record.

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sealed interface PostgresAction : SerializableData

Represents a postgres action

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class PostgresChangeFilter(event: String, schema: String)

Used to filter postgres changes

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data class PostgresJoinConfig(val schema: String, val table: String? = null, val filter: String? = null, val event: String, val id: Long = 0)
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@Serializable(with = Presence.Companion::class)
data class Presence(val presenceRef: String, val state: JsonObject)
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sealed interface PresenceAction

Represents a presence action

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data class PresenceJoinConfig(var key: String)
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data class PrimaryKey<Data>(val columnName: String, val producer: (Data) -> String)

Represents the primary key of the Data type.

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Plugin for interacting with the supabase realtime api

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sealed interface RealtimeCallback<T>
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sealed interface RealtimeChannel

Represents a realtime channel

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Used to build a realtime channel

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data class RealtimeJoinConfig(val broadcast: BroadcastJoinConfig, val presence: PresenceJoinConfig, val postgresChanges: List<PostgresJoinConfig>, var isPrivate: Boolean)
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data class RealtimeJoinPayload(val config: RealtimeJoinConfig)
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data class RealtimeMessage(val topic: String, val event: String, val payload: JsonObject, val ref: String?)

Represents a message retrieved by the RealtimeChannel


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Supabase Realtime is a way to listen to changes in the PostgreSQL database via websockets


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inline suspend fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.broadcast(event: String, message: T)

Sends a message to everyone who joined the channel. Can be used even if you aren't connected to the channel.

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inline fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.broadcastFlow(event: String): Flow<T>

Broadcasts can be messages sent by other clients within the same channel under a specific event.

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inline fun String, builder: RealtimeChannelBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): RealtimeChannel
inline fun String, builder: RealtimeChannelBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): RealtimeChannel

Creates a new RealtimeChannel

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inline fun <T> PresenceAction.decodeJoinsAs(ignoreOtherTypes: Boolean = true): List<T>

Decodes all PresenceAction.joins values as T

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inline fun <T> PresenceAction.decodeLeavesAs(ignoreOtherTypes: Boolean = true): List<T>

Decodes all PresenceAction.leaves values as T

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inline fun <T : Any> HasOldRecord.decodeOldRecord(): T

Decodes HasOldRecord.oldRecord as T and returns it

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Decodes HasOldRecord.oldRecord as T and returns it or returns null when it cannot be decoded as T

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inline fun <T : Any> HasRecord.decodeRecord(): T

Decodes HasRecord.record as T and returns it

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inline fun <T : Any> HasRecord.decodeRecordOrNull(): T?

Decodes HasRecord.record as T and returns it or returns null when it cannot be decoded as T

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inline fun <T : PostgresAction> RealtimeChannel.postgresChangeFlow(schema: String, noinline filter: PostgresChangeFilter.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>

Listen for postgres changes in a channel.

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inline fun <Data : Any> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>): Flow<List<Data>>
inline fun <Data : Any> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKeys: List<PrimaryKey<Data>>): Flow<List<Data>>
@JvmName(name = "postgresListDataFlowMultiplePks")
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKeys: List<KProperty1<Data, Value>>): Flow<List<Data>>
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>): Flow<List<Data>>

This function retrieves the initial data from the table and then listens for changes. It automatically handles inserts, updates and deletes.

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inline suspend fun <Data : Any> RealtimeChannel.postgresSingleDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>
inline suspend fun <Data, Value> RealtimeChannel.postgresSingleDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>

This function retrieves the initial data for a single value and then listens for changes on that value. It automatically handles updates and closes the flow on the delete event.

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Listens for presence changes and caches the presences based on their keys. This function automatically handles joins and leaves.

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inline fun <Data : Any> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>
inline fun <Data : Any> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKeys: List<PrimaryKey<Data>>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>
@JvmName(name = "selectAsFlowMultiplePks")
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKeys: List<KProperty1<Data, Value>>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>

Executes vertical filtering with select on PostgrestQueryBuilder.table and PostgrestQueryBuilder.schema and returns a Flow of a list of values matching the filter. This function listens for changes in the table and emits the new list whenever a change occurs.

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inline fun <Data : Any> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectSingleValueAsFlow(primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>, channelName: String? = null, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectSingleValueAsFlow(primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>, channelName: String? = null, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>

Executes vertical filtering with select on PostgrestQueryBuilder.table and PostgrestQueryBuilder.schema and returns a Flow of a single value matching the filter. This function listens for changes in the table and emits the new value whenever a change occurs.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.track(state: T)

Store an object in your presence's state. Other clients can get this data when you either join or leave the channel. Use this method again to update the state.