Package-level declarations


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Plugin to interact with the supabase Postgrest API

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A method to convert a property name to a column name.

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Enum class for the different HTTP methods that can be used in a RPC request


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With the postgrest plugin you can directly interact with your database via an api


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inline fun <T> classPropertyNames(): List<String>
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Creates a new PostgrestQueryBuilder for the given table

Creates a new PostgrestQueryBuilder for the given schema and table

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expect fun <T, V> getSerialName(property: KProperty1<T, V>): String
actual fun <T, V> getSerialName(property: KProperty1<T, V>): String
actual fun <T, V> getSerialName(property: KProperty1<T, V>): String
actual fun <T, V> getSerialName(property: KProperty1<T, V>): String
actual fun <T, V> getSerialName(property: KProperty1<T, V>): String
actual fun <T, V> getSerialName(property: KProperty1<T, V>): String
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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Postgrest.rpc(function: String, parameters: T, noinline request: RpcRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): PostgrestResult

Executes a database function