
data class AdminUserUpdateBuilder(var email: String? = null, var password: String? = null, var appMetadata: JsonObject? = null, var userMetadata: JsonObject? = null, var emailConfirm: Boolean? = null, var phoneConfirm: Boolean? = null, var phone: String? = null, var banDuration: String? = null, var role: String? = null)(source)

A builder for updating a user.


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constructor(email: String? = null, password: String? = null, appMetadata: JsonObject? = null, userMetadata: JsonObject? = null, emailConfirm: Boolean? = null, phoneConfirm: Boolean? = null, phone: String? = null, banDuration: String? = null, role: String? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "app_metadata")
var appMetadata: JsonObject?

Extra app metadata

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@SerialName(value = "ban_duration")
var banDuration: String?

Determines how long a user is banned for. The format for the ban duration follows a strict sequence of decimal numbers with a unit suffix.

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The user's email address

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@SerialName(value = "email_confirm")
var emailConfirm: Boolean?

Automatically confirms the email address

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The user's password

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The user's phone number

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@SerialName(value = "phone_confirm")
var phoneConfirm: Boolean?

Automatically confirms the phone number

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var role: String?

The role claim set in the user's access token JWT.

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@SerialName(value = "user_metadata")
var userMetadata: JsonObject?

Extra user metadata