Whether to connect to the websocket when subscribing to a channel. Defaults to true
Whether to disconnect from the websocket when there are no more subscriptions. Defaults to true
Whether to disconnect from the websocket when the session is lost. Defaults to true
The interval between heartbeat messages. Defaults to 15 seconds
The delay between reconnect attempts. Defaults to 7 seconds
Whether to use wss or ws. Defaults to SupabaseClient.useHTTPS when null
A serializer used for serializing/deserializing objects e.g. in PresenceAction.decodeJoinsAs or RealtimeChannel.broadcast. Defaults to KotlinXSerializer
Custom configuration for the Ktor Websocket Client. This only applies if Realtime.Config.websocketFactory is null.
A custom websocket factory. If this is set, the websocketConfig will be ignored