
Authentication method with phone numbers and password


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Represents the phone number confirmation channel

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data class Config(var phone: String = "", var password: String = "", var channel: Phone.Channel = Channel.SMS) : DefaultAuthProvider.Config

The configuration for the phone authentication method


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open override val grantType: String

The grant type of the provider.


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open override fun decodeResult(json: JsonObject): UserInfo
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open override fun encodeCredentials(credentials: Phone.Config.() -> Unit): JsonObject
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open suspend override fun login(supabaseClient: SupabaseClient, onSuccess: suspend (UserSession) -> Unit, redirectUrl: String?, config: Phone.Config.() -> Unit?)

Used to login a user

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open suspend override fun signUp(supabaseClient: SupabaseClient, onSuccess: suspend (UserSession) -> Unit, redirectUrl: String?, config: Phone.Config.() -> Unit?): UserInfo?

Used to sign up a user.