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constructor(propertyConversionMethod: PropertyConversionMethod)


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var count: Count?

The Count algorithm to use to count rows in the table or view.

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Make missing fields default to null. Otherwise, use the default value for the column. This only applies when inserting new rows, not when merging with existing rows under

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val headers: HeadersBuilder
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If true, duplicate rows are ignored. If false, duplicate rows are merged with existing rows.

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Comma-separated UNIQUE column(s) to specify how duplicate rows are determined. Two rows are duplicates if all the onConflict columns are equal.

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The Returning option to use.


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fun count(count: Count)

Setting count allows to use PostgrestResult.countOrNull to get the total amount of items in the database.

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fun csv()

Return data as a string in CSV format.

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fun explain(analyze: Boolean = false, verbose: Boolean = false, settings: Boolean = false, buffers: Boolean = false, wal: Boolean = false, format: String = "text")

Return data as the EXPLAIN plan for the query.

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inline fun filter(block: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit)

Adds a filter to the postgrest request.

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fun geojson()

Return data as an object in GeoJSON format.

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fun limit(count: Long, referencedTable: String? = null)

Limits the result to count rows

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fun order(column: String, order: Order, nullsFirst: Boolean = false, referencedTable: String? = null)

Orders the result by column in the specified order.

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fun range(range: LongRange, referencedTable: String? = null)

Limits the result to rows from range.first to range.last

fun range(from: Long, to: Long, referencedTable: String? = null)

Limits the result to rows from from to to

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fun select(columns: Columns = Columns.ALL)

Return data after the query has been executed.

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fun single()

Return data as a single object instead of an array of objects.