Plugin for interacting with the supabase realtime api
To use it you need to install it to the SupabaseClient:
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey) {
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You can then create a channel:
val channel ="channelId")
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Then listen to events on the channel:
val productChangeFlow = channel.postgrestChangeFlow<PostgrestAction.Insert>(schema = "public") {
table = "products"
}.map { it.decodeRecord<Product>() }
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And at last you have to subscribe to the channel:
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data class Config(var websocketConfig: WebSockets.Config.() -> Unit = {}, var secure: Boolean? = null, var heartbeatInterval: Duration = 15.seconds, var reconnectDelay: Duration = 7.seconds, var disconnectOnSessionLoss: Boolean = true, var connectOnSubscribe: Boolean = true, var websocketFactory: RealtimeWebsocketFactory? = null, var disconnectOnNoSubscriptions: Boolean = true) : MainConfig, CustomSerializationConfig
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The current status of the realtime connection
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inline fun String, builder: RealtimeChannelBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): RealtimeChannel
Creates a new RealtimeChannel
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Connects to the realtime websocket. The url will be taken from the custom provided Realtime.Config.customUrl or SupabaseClient
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Disconnects from the realtime websocket
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Unsubscribes and removes all channels from the subscriptions
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Unsubscribes and removes a channel from the subscriptions
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Sends a message to the realtime websocket