
sealed interface RealtimeChannel(source)

Represents a realtime channel


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object Companion
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Represents the status of a channel


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abstract val realtime: Realtime

The realtime instance

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abstract val status: StateFlow<RealtimeChannel.Status>

The status of the channel as a StateFlow

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abstract val topic: String

The topic of the channel


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abstract suspend fun broadcast(event: String, message: JsonObject)

Sends a message to everyone who joined the channel. Can be used even if you aren't connected to the channel.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.broadcast(event: String, message: T)

Sends a message to everyone who joined the channel. Can be used even if you aren't connected to the channel.

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inline fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.broadcastFlow(event: String): Flow<T>

Broadcasts can be messages sent by other clients within the same channel under a specific event.

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abstract fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.broadcastFlowInternal(type: KType, event: String): Flow<T>

Non-inline variant of broadcastFlow for implementation and mocking purposes

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inline fun <T : PostgresAction> RealtimeChannel.postgresChangeFlow(schema: String, noinline filter: PostgresChangeFilter.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>

Listen for postgres changes in a channel.

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abstract fun <T : PostgresAction> RealtimeChannel.postgresChangeFlowInternal(action: KClass<T>, schema: String, filter: PostgresChangeFilter.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>

Non-inline variant of postgresChangeFlow for implementation and mocking purposes

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inline fun <Data : Any> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>): Flow<List<Data>>
inline fun <Data : Any> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKeys: List<PrimaryKey<Data>>): Flow<List<Data>>
@JvmName(name = "postgresListDataFlowMultiplePks")
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKeys: List<KProperty1<Data, Value>>): Flow<List<Data>>
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> RealtimeChannel.postgresListDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, filter: FilterOperation? = null, primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>): Flow<List<Data>>

This function retrieves the initial data from the table and then listens for changes. It automatically handles inserts, updates and deletes.

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inline suspend fun <Data : Any> RealtimeChannel.postgresSingleDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>
inline suspend fun <Data, Value> RealtimeChannel.postgresSingleDataFlow(schema: String = "public", table: String, primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>

This function retrieves the initial data for a single value and then listens for changes on that value. It automatically handles updates and closes the flow on the delete event.

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abstract fun presenceChangeFlow(): Flow<PresenceAction>

Listen for clients joining / leaving the channel using presences

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Listens for presence changes and caches the presences based on their keys. This function automatically handles joins and leaves.

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abstract suspend fun subscribe(blockUntilSubscribed: Boolean = false)

Subscribes to the channel

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abstract suspend fun track(state: JsonObject)

Store an object in your presence's state. Other clients can get this data when you either join or leave the channel. Use this method again to update the state.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> RealtimeChannel.track(state: T)

Store an object in your presence's state. Other clients can get this data when you either join or leave the channel. Use this method again to update the state.

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abstract suspend fun unsubscribe()

Unsubscribes from the channel

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abstract suspend fun untrack()

Removes the object from your presence's state

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abstract suspend fun updateAuth(jwt: String)

Updates the JWT token for this client

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abstract fun updateStatus(status: RealtimeChannel.Status)