class Functions(val config: Functions.Config, val supabaseClient: SupabaseClient) : MainPlugin<Functions.Config> , CustomSerializationPlugin(source)
Plugin to interact with the supabase Edge Functions API
To use it you need to install it to the SupabaseClient:
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey) {
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then you can use it like this:
val response = supabase.functions("myFunction")
//or store it in a variable
val function = supabase.functions.buildEdgeFunction("myFunction")
val response = function()
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fun buildEdgeFunction(function: String, region: FunctionRegion = config.defaultRegion, headers: Headers = Headers.Empty): EdgeFunction
Builds an EdgeFunction which can be invoked multiple times
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inline suspend operator fun invoke(function: String, region: FunctionRegion = config.defaultRegion, headers: Headers = Headers.Empty): HttpResponse
inline suspend operator fun invoke(function: String, region: FunctionRegion = config.defaultRegion, crossinline builder: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse
Invokes a remote edge function. The authorization token is automatically added to the request.
inline suspend operator fun <T : Any> invoke(function: String, body: T, region: FunctionRegion = config.defaultRegion, headers: Headers = Headers.Empty): HttpResponse
Invokes a remote edge function. The authorization token is automatically added to the request. Note, if you want to serialize body to json, you need to add the HttpHeaders.ContentType header yourself.
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