
inline fun <Data : Any> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>(source)
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>(source)

Executes vertical filtering with select on PostgrestQueryBuilder.table and PostgrestQueryBuilder.schema and returns a Flow of a list of values matching the filter. This function listens for changes in the table and emits the new list whenever a change occurs.



the primary key of the Data type


the filter to apply to the select query


the name of the channel to use for the realtime updates. If null, a channel name following the format "schema:table:id" will be used

inline fun <Data : Any> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKeys: List<PrimaryKey<Data>>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>(source)
@JvmName(name = "selectAsFlowMultiplePks")
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectAsFlow(primaryKeys: List<KProperty1<Data, Value>>, channelName: String? = null, filter: FilterOperation? = null): Flow<List<Data>>(source)

Executes vertical filtering with select on PostgrestQueryBuilder.table and PostgrestQueryBuilder.schema and returns a Flow of a list of values matching the filter. This function listens for changes in the table and emits the new list whenever a change occurs.



the list of primary key of the Data type


the filter to apply to the select query


the name of the channel to use for the realtime updates. If null, a channel name following the format "schema:table:id" will be used