Package-level declarations


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Plugin to interact with the Supabase Auth API

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The configuration for Auth

The configuration for Auth

actual class AuthConfig

The configuration for Auth

The configuration for Auth

actual class AuthConfig

The configuration for Auth

The configuration for Auth

actual class AuthConfig

The configuration for Auth

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The default values for the AuthConfig

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class AuthenticatedSupabaseApi constructor(resolveUrl: (path: String) -> String, parseErrorResponse: suspend (response: HttpResponse) -> RestException? = null, defaultRequest: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit? = null, supabaseClient: SupabaseClient, jwtToken: String? = null) : SupabaseApi
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A cache for the code verifier used in the PKCE flow.

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sealed interface ExternalAuthAction

Represents the available actions for external auth such as OAuth and SSO.

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The type of login flow to use

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data class HttpCallbackConfig(var httpPort: Int = 0, var timeout: Duration = 1.minutes, var htmlTitle: String = "Supabase Auth", var redirectHtml: String = HttpCallbackHtml.redirectPage("", "Supabase Auth", "Logged in. You may continue in your app"))

Http callback configuration for the web server, when logging in with OAuth.

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class MemoryCodeVerifierCache(codeVerifier: String? = null) : CodeVerifierCache

A CodeVerifierCache that uses the AtomicRef API.

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A SessionManager that uses the AtomicRef API.

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sealed interface OtpType

OTPs (One Time Passwords) are used to authenticate users via email or phone.

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Used to mark Postgrest filter DSL functions

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interface SessionManager

Represents the session manager. Used for saving and restoring the session from storage

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class SettingsCodeVerifierCache(settings: Settings = createDefaultSettings(), key: String = SETTINGS_KEY) : CodeVerifierCache

A CodeVerifierCache that uses the Settings API.

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class SettingsSessionManager(settings: Settings = createDefaultSettings(), key: String = SETTINGS_KEY, json: Json = settingsJson) : SessionManager

A SessionManager that uses the Settings API.

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Represents the scope of a sign-out action.


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The Auth plugin handles everything related to Supabase's authentication system

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The deeplink used for the implicit and PKCE flow. Throws an IllegalArgumentException, if either the scheme or host is not set

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The deeplink used for the implicit and PKCE flow. Returns null, if either the scheme or host is not set


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fun SupabaseClient.authenticatedSupabaseApi(plugin: MainPlugin<*>, defaultRequest: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit? = null): AuthenticatedSupabaseApi

Creates a AuthenticatedSupabaseApi for the given plugin. Requires Auth to authenticate requests All requests will be resolved using the MainPlugin.resolveUrl function

fun SupabaseClient.authenticatedSupabaseApi(baseUrl: String, parseErrorResponse: suspend (response: HttpResponse) -> RestException? = null): AuthenticatedSupabaseApi

Creates a AuthenticatedSupabaseApi with the given baseUrl. Requires Auth to authenticate requests All requests will be resolved relative to this url

fun SupabaseClient.authenticatedSupabaseApi(resolveUrl: (path: String) -> String, parseErrorResponse: suspend (response: HttpResponse) -> RestException? = null, defaultRequest: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit? = null, jwtToken: String? = null): AuthenticatedSupabaseApi

Creates a AuthenticatedSupabaseApi with the given resolveUrl function. Requires Auth to authenticate requests All requests will be resolved using this function

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fun createDefaultSettings(): Settings
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fun SupabaseClient.handleDeeplinks(intent: Intent, onSessionSuccess: (UserSession) -> Unit = {})

Handle deeplinks for authentication. This handles the deeplinks for implicit and PKCE flow.

fun SupabaseClient.handleDeeplinks(url: NSURL, onSessionSuccess: (UserSession) -> Unit = {})

Handle deeplinks for authentication. This handles the deeplinks for the implicit and the PKCE flow.

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fun AuthConfigDefaults.minimalSettings(alwaysAutoRefresh: Boolean = false, autoLoadFromStorage: Boolean = false, autoSaveToStorage: Boolean = false, sessionManager: SessionManager? = MemorySessionManager(), codeVerifierCache: CodeVerifierCache? = MemoryCodeVerifierCache(), enableLifecycleCallbacks: Boolean = false)

Applies minimal settings to the AuthConfig. This is useful for server side applications, where you don't need to store the session or code verifier.

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fun Auth.parseFragmentAndImportSession(fragment: String, onSessionSuccess: (UserSession) -> Unit = {})
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Parses a session from a fragment.

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Parses a session from an url.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.redirectTo(url: String)
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suspend fun <C : MainConfig> SupabaseClient.resolveAccessToken(plugin: MainPlugin<C>, keyAsFallback: Boolean = true): String?
suspend fun SupabaseClient.resolveAccessToken(jwtToken: String? = null, keyAsFallback: Boolean = true): String?

Returns the access token used for requests. The token is resolved in the following order:

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expect fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Auth.signInAnonymously(data: T, captchaToken: String? = null)

Signs in the user without any credentials. This will create a new user session with a new access token.