
inline fun <Data : Any> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectSingleValueAsFlow(primaryKey: PrimaryKey<Data>, channelName: String? = null, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>(source)
inline fun <Data : Any, Value> PostgrestQueryBuilder.selectSingleValueAsFlow(primaryKey: KProperty1<Data, Value>, channelName: String? = null, crossinline filter: PostgrestFilterBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Data>(source)

Executes vertical filtering with select on PostgrestQueryBuilder.table and PostgrestQueryBuilder.schema and returns a Flow of a single value matching the filter. This function listens for changes in the table and emits the new value whenever a change occurs.



the primary key of the Data type


the filter to apply to the select query


the name of the channel to use for the realtime updates. If null, a channel name following the format "schema:table:id" will be used