Package-level declarations
A builder for Buckets
A filter builder for BucketApi.list
Builder for downloading files with additional options
Represents the status of a download
Represents a file or a folder in a bucket. If the item is a folder, everything except name is null.
A file size limit for buckets
The response of a file upload
Represents a transformation for an image. Used for Storage objects
Plugin for interacting with the supabase storage api
Represents a file in the storage bucket.
Represents the data to upload
Builder for uploading files with additional options
A signed url to upload a file
Represents the status of an upload
Creates a StorageItem for an authenticated file.
Reads pending uploads from the cache and creates a new ResumableUpload for each of them. This done in parallel, so you can start the uploads independently.
Creates a new resumable upload or continues an existing one. If there is an url in the cache for the given Fingerprint, the upload will be continued.
Creates a new upload or continues an existing one from the given uri
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path using the public url
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Creates a StorageItem for a public file.
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url