Package-level declarations


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data class Identity(val id: String, val identityData: JsonObject, val identityId: String? = null, val lastSignInAt: String? = null, val updatedAt: String? = null, val createdAt: String? = null, val provider: String, val userId: String)
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data class UserInfo(val appMetadata: JsonObject? = null, val aud: String, val confirmationSentAt: Instant? = null, val confirmedAt: Instant? = null, val createdAt: Instant? = null, val email: String? = null, val emailConfirmedAt: Instant? = null, val factors: List<UserMfaFactor> = listOf(), val id: String, val identities: List<Identity>? = null, val lastSignInAt: Instant? = null, val phone: String? = null, val role: String? = null, val updatedAt: Instant? = null, val userMetadata: JsonObject? = null, val phoneChangeSentAt: Instant? = null, val newPhone: String? = null, val emailChangeSentAt: Instant? = null, val newEmail: String? = null, val invitedAt: Instant? = null, val recoverySentAt: Instant? = null, val phoneConfirmedAt: Instant? = null, val actionLink: String? = null)
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data class UserMfaFactor(val id: String, val createdAt: Instant, val updatedAt: Instant, status: String, val friendlyName: String? = null, val factorType: String)
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data class UserSession(val accessToken: String, val refreshToken: String, val providerRefreshToken: String? = null, val providerToken: String? = null, val expiresIn: Long, val tokenType: String, val user: UserInfo? = null, val type: String = "", val expiresAt: Instant = + (expiresIn.seconds))
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data class UserUpdateBuilder(var email: String? = null, var password: String? = null, var phone: String? = null, var nonce: String? = null, var data: JsonObject? = null, serializer: SupabaseSerializer = KotlinXSerializer())

A builder for updating a user.