
Plugin to interact with the Supabase Auth API

To use it you need to install it to the SupabaseClient:

val supabase = createSupabaseClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey) {

then you can use it like this:

val result = supabase.auth.signUpWith(Email) {
email = ""
password = "password"


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abstract val admin: AdminApi

Access to the auth admin api where you can manage users. Service role access token is required. Import it via importAuthToken. Never share it publicly

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abstract val apiVersion: Int
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The cache for the code verifier. This is used for PKCE authentication. Can be customized via AuthConfig.codeVerifierCache

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abstract val config: AuthConfig
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Whether the sessionStatus session is getting refreshed automatically

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abstract val mfa: MfaApi

Access to the mfa api where you can manage multi-factor authentication for the current user.

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abstract val pluginKey: String
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Returns the session manager instance

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abstract val sessionStatus: StateFlow<SessionStatus>

Returns the current session status

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abstract suspend fun awaitInitialization()

Blocks the current coroutine until the plugin is initialized.

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abstract suspend fun clearSession()

Deletes the current session from storage and sets sessionStatus to SessionStatus.NotAuthenticated

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open suspend fun close()
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Returns the current access token, or null if no session is available

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Returns the connected identities to the current user or null

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Returns the current session or null

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Returns the current user or null

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abstract suspend fun exchangeCodeForSession(code: String, saveSession: Boolean = true): UserSession

Exchanges a code for a session. Used when using the FlowType.PKCE flow

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abstract fun getOAuthUrl(provider: OAuthProvider, redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), url: String = "authorize", additionalConfig: ExternalAuthConfigDefaults.() -> Unit = {}): String

Returns the url to use for oAuth

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open suspend fun importAuthToken(accessToken: String, refreshToken: String = "", retrieveUser: Boolean = false, autoRefresh: Boolean = if(refreshToken.isNotBlank()) config.alwaysAutoRefresh else false)

Imports the jwt token and retrieves the user profile. Be aware auto-refreshing is not available when importing only a jwt token.

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abstract suspend fun importSession(session: UserSession, autoRefresh: Boolean = config.alwaysAutoRefresh, source: SessionSource = SessionSource.Unknown)

Imports a user session and starts auto-refreshing if autoRefresh is true

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open fun init()
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abstract suspend fun linkIdentity(provider: OAuthProvider, redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), config: ExternalAuthConfigDefaults.() -> Unit = {}): String?

Links an OAuth Identity to an existing user.

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abstract suspend fun loadFromStorage(autoRefresh: Boolean = config.alwaysAutoRefresh): Boolean

Retrieves the latest session from storage and starts auto-refreshing if autoRefresh is true or AuthConfig.alwaysAutoRefresh as the default parameter

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abstract suspend fun parseErrorResponse(response: HttpResponse): RestException
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fun Auth.parseFragmentAndImportSession(fragment: String, onSessionSuccess: (UserSession) -> Unit = {})
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Parses a session from a fragment.

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Parses a session from an url.

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abstract suspend fun reauthenticate()

Sends a nonce to the user's email (preferred) or phone

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abstract suspend fun refreshCurrentSession()

Refreshes the current session

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abstract suspend fun refreshSession(refreshToken: String): UserSession

Refreshes a session using the refresh token

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abstract suspend fun resendEmail(type: OtpType.Email, email: String, captchaToken: String? = null)

Resends an existing signup confirmation email, email change email

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abstract suspend fun resendPhone(type: OtpType.Phone, phone: String, captchaToken: String? = null)

Resends an existing SMS OTP or phone change OTP.

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abstract suspend fun resetPasswordForEmail(email: String, redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), captchaToken: String? = null)

Sends a password reset email to the user with the specified email

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open fun resolveUrl(path: String): String
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abstract suspend fun retrieveSSOUrl(redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), config: SSO.Config.() -> Unit): SSO.Result

Retrieves the sso url for the given config

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abstract suspend fun retrieveUser(jwt: String): UserInfo

Retrieves the user attached to the specified jwt

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abstract suspend fun retrieveUserForCurrentSession(updateSession: Boolean = false): UserInfo

Retrieves the current user with the current session

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expect fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
actual fun Auth.setupPlatform()
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abstract suspend fun signInAnonymously(data: JsonObject? = null, captchaToken: String? = null)

Signs in the user without any credentials. This will create a new user session with a new access token.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Auth.signInAnonymously(data: T, captchaToken: String? = null)

Signs in the user without any credentials. This will create a new user session with a new access token.

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abstract suspend fun <C, R, Provider : AuthProvider<C, R>> signInWith(provider: Provider, redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), config: C.() -> Unit? = null)

Signs in the user with the specified provider

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abstract suspend fun signOut(scope: SignOutScope = SignOutScope.LOCAL)

Signs out the current user, which means sessionStatus will be SessionStatus.NotAuthenticated and the access token will be revoked

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abstract suspend fun <C, R, Provider : AuthProvider<C, R>> signUpWith(provider: Provider, redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), config: C.() -> Unit? = null): R?

Signs up a new user with the specified provider

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abstract suspend fun startAutoRefreshForCurrentSession()

Starts auto refreshing the current session

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Stops auto-refreshing the current session

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abstract suspend fun unlinkIdentity(identityId: String, updateLocalUser: Boolean = true)

Unlinks an OAuth Identity from an existing user.

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abstract suspend fun updateUser(updateCurrentUser: Boolean = true, redirectUrl: String? = defaultRedirectUrl(), config: UserUpdateBuilder.() -> Unit): UserInfo

Modifies the current user

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abstract suspend fun verifyEmailOtp(type: OtpType.Email, tokenHash: String, captchaToken: String? = null)

Verifies a email otp token hash received via email

abstract suspend fun verifyEmailOtp(type: OtpType.Email, email: String, token: String, captchaToken: String? = null)

Verifies a email otp

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abstract suspend fun verifyPhoneOtp(type: OtpType.Phone, phone: String, token: String, captchaToken: String? = null)

Verifies a phone/sms otp