The client for interacting with the resumable upload api
The current SupabaseClient
Returns the authenticated url of path. Requires bearer token authentication using the user's access token
Changes the bucket's public status to public
Creates a signed url to upload without authentication. These urls are valid for 2 hours.
Creates a signed url to download without authentication. The url will expire after expiresIn
Creates signed urls for all specified paths. The urls will expire after expiresIn
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path using the public url
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Downloads a file from BucketApi.bucketId under path and saves it to file
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Updates a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url
Uploads a file in BucketApi.bucketId under path using a presigned url