Namespace Supabase.Gotrue
- AdminClient
Admin client for interacting with the Gotrue API. Intended for use on servers or other secure environments.
This client does NOT manage user sessions or track any other state.
- Api
The REST calls to the Gotrue API.
- Client
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- ClientOptions
Class representation options available to the Client.
- Constants
Constants used throughout the Gotrue Client
- DebugNotification
Manages the debug listeners for the Gotrue Client. You'll want to install a debug listener to get debug information back - especially for errors from the background RefreshToken thread.
- GenerateLinkEmailChangeCurrentOptions
Shortcut options for EmailChangeCurrent
- GenerateLinkEmailChangeNewOptions
Shortcut options for EmailChangeNew
- GenerateLinkOptions
Options for Generating an Email Link
- GenerateLinkSignupOptions
Shortcut options for SignUp
- Helpers
Utility methods to assist with flow. Includes nonce generation and verification.
- InviteUserByEmailOptions
A utility class that represents options for sending a User an Invitation
- NetworkStatus
A Network status system to pair with the OnlineClient.
- PasswordlessSignInState
A utility class that represents a successful response from a request to send a user Passwordless Sign In.
- PersistenceListener
Manages the persistence of the Gotrue Session. You'll want to install a persistence listener to persist user sessions between app restarts.
- ProviderAuthState
Represents an OAuth Provider's URI and Parameters.
For use with Provider Auth, PKCE Auth, and ID Token auth.
- ResetPasswordForEmailOptions
A utility class that represents a successful response from a request to send a user's password reset using the PKCE flow.
- ResetPasswordForEmailState
A utility class that represents a successful response from a request to send a user's password reset using the PKCE flow.
- SSOResponse
Single sign on (SSO) response data deserialized from the API {supabaseAuthUrl}/sso
- Session
Represents a Gotrue Session
- Settings
Settings data retrieved from the GoTrue server.
- SignInAnonymouslyOptions
Options for handling signing in anonymously
- SignInOptions
Options used for signing in a user.
- SignInWithPasswordlessEmailOptions
Options used for signing in a user with passwordless Options
- SignInWithPasswordlessOptions
Options used for signing in a user with passwordless Options
- SignInWithPasswordlessPhoneOptions
Options used for signing in a user with passwordless Options
- SignInWithSSOOptions
Options used for signing in a user using single sign on (SSO).
- SignUpOptions
Options used for signing up a user.
- StatelessClient
Supports all classes in the .NET class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all .NET classes; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
- StatelessClient.StatelessClientOptions
Class representation options available to the Client.
- TokenRefresh
Manages the auto-refresh of the Gotrue Session.
- User
Represents a Gotrue User Ref:
- Constants.AuthState
States that the Auth Client will raise events for.
- Constants.OAuthFlowType
Represents an OAuth Flow type
- Constants.Provider
Providers available to Supabase Ref:
- Constants.SignInType
Specifies the functionality expected from the
- Constants.SignUpType
Specifies the functionality expected from the
- GenerateLinkOptions.LinkType
Mapping of link types that can be generated.
- SignInWithPasswordlessPhoneOptions.MessagingChannel
Represents a messaging channel to use for sending the OTP.
- NetworkStatus.NetworkListener
A delegate for listening to network changes.